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Our history
Milvus consulting has been in business since 1999. There have been a great deal of changes over the years, in terms of both content and structure. Below is a summary of most significant milestones.

Our lab activities were brought under our own NOLAB brand.
NOLAB stands for 'no ordinary lab’, and is a partner in investigating customer-specific, non-standard questions and problems. Our NOLAB analytical lab specialises in measuring and detecting volatile organic compounds at extremely low concentrations. This means we not only support our customers in solving their problems, but also perform analyses for all kinds of labs and consulting firms internationally.

A new location
After a thorough renovation, MILVUS consulting is moved into its new premises at Wondelgemkaai 159 in the Ghent outer port, with the additional space provided for the lab and office paving the way for additional growth.

eco-scan and OLFASCAN undergo silent merger
The company took on the name MILVUS consulting NV, with the consultancy continuing to operate in the market under the ECOSCAN and OLFASCAN brands.

20 years of OLFASCAN
OLFASCAN has been active on the Flemish market for 20 years, with specialised advice concerning odour and odour nuisance.
eco-scan says goodbye to lab acoustics Hooglede
As of 4 March, eco-scan transferred the acoustics lab to Daidalos Peutz, saying goodbye to acoustics activities.

10 years of eco-scan
We celebrated eco-scan's tenth anniversary on 6 October 2017 at our Hooglede facility, together with our partners, staff, customers, suppliers as well as government representatives.

eco-scan becomes independent
In close consultation with shareholder DLV, it was decided to fully transfer the shares of eco-scan to OLFASCAN, with eco-scan thus becoming a full subsidiary of OLFASCAN from the end of 2015, able to embark on its own independent course.

VLAREL Accreditation achieved
OLFASCAN received official accreditation as a laboratory in the air discipline for VLAREL package L18: determination of odour dispersion by field panel measurements.

farMER becomes eco-scan
Over the years, farMER's activities have also expanded to include ecology studies and mobility. An increasing number of project-EIAs are also being created for industrial customers. In order to keep up with appearances, and to increase recognisability with OLFASCAN, the name change to eco-scan was announced on farMER's fifth anniversary.
eco-scan incorporates acoustics into range
eco-scan expanded its acoustics business following acquisition of Sonorcontrol NV's trading fund and staff. From then on, eco-scan has also had a second office in Hooglede, where the acoustic lab is located.
PRG Odournet continues as OLFASCAN
In May 2011, a full management buyout was carried out and the Odournet Group shares were bought back by the Flemish shareholders. The company was to continue under the name OLFASCAN NV and will chart its own course.
In 2008, an industrial property was purchased, located along the industrial zone on the R4 in Wondelgem. An in-house state-of-the-art lab was set up here, and started performing GC-MS and GC sniffing analyses with a very low detection limit in April 2009.

Establishment of farMER
Together with DLV Belgium, the subsidiary farMER bvba was established. At the outset, this company primarily focused on the market of environmental impact assessments and decree environmental audits for intensive livestock farms.

Odournet Group
To maintain recognition with the other Odournet Group companies, the name Project Research Gent NV was changed to PRG Odournet NV in May 2005.

Move due to growth
Due to the company's continuous growth, the offices were soon relocated to a modern office building on Brugsesteenweg in Mariakerke

Start-up PRG
PRG (Project Research Ghent) was founded as a continuation of the odour-related activities of Alitech asbl. This non-profit organisation was active within Ghent University. PRG started out as a sister company of PRA in the Netherlands (later Odournet) under the initiative of Nic Schamp, Herman Vanlangenhove and Toon Van Elst.